Digital backpacks allow you to gather all your educational tools in one single device, from digital textbooks to notebook, calculator or dictionary.
Author: Realinfluencers Editor
Teachers and students can now access more than 15.000 digital books from more than 50 leading national and international publishers.
Do we spend too much time glued to our digital devices? We can make a more responsible use of them, and this affects both children and adults.
Blinklearning in the only Spanish company included in Inc. Magazine’s “18 Tech Companies To Get Excited About” ranking, announced on March 31, 2016.
Flipped Classroom is an educational model that transfers the work of certain learning processes that usually occur in the classroom. Instruction moves home, and practice occurs in class.
Learning Analytics can be defined as the measurement and analysis of information collected during the learning process in a digital environment.
A new OECD report focused on analyzing how socioeconomic factors affect student achievement was recently published. ¿What does it say about Spain?
Personalized learning at Iale International L’Eliana School in Valencia. Realinfluencers interviews Stéphanie Loriente Caux, French teacher and tutor.