Flipped Classroom is a pedagogical model that involves reversing the order of traditional education, moving the lecture part of the lesson home. For what purpose? To optimize the time in class dedicating it, for example, to attend the special needs of each student, to develop cooperative projects or to work by projects.
If this is your first contact with the Flipped Classroom and you want to know more about how it works and what benefits it can bring to your teaching, we recommend that you visit our article ‘Flipped Classroom Model: 5 reasons you should be using it’ .
Ready? Let’s continue! In this post we bring you 3 practical ideas to integrate the Flipped Classroom in the classroom.
Inverted classroom: 3 practical cases
Lessons in video format
If you feel comfortable in front of the camera and have the necessary material (any smartphone allows you to create quality videos nowadays), you can record the lessons, create a YouTube channel and share the content with your students. If you do not want your videos to be public, do not worry, you can share them only with those people who want them to see them. Do not want your videos hosted on YouTube? You can open a Google Drive or Dropbox account and, from there, share the videos privately with your students.
If you do not feel ready to appear in your videos, you can choose to record only the lesson, but remember that it is important for you to be creative if you want to keep your students interested.
Make the most of the Flipped Classroom by creating a video repository with the collaboration of other teachers
Does not this option convince you too? No problem. On the Internet you will find a wide variety of resources that you can use to go around your class. We offer you the Ted-Ed platform, where you can access highly visual educational videos produced by teachers and graphic animators, or the YouTube EDU channel, which collects popular education videos on the platform.
To achieve greater use of this resource, you could consider proposing to other teaching partners to create a joint channel, developing a common video repository. Thus you will have a greater variety of resources.
Create your own stories and post them on a blog
Nobody better than the teacher to identify the needs of their students. You know them and you know their pace of learning. It complements the lessons with content created by yourself based on what your class requires at any given time. Platforms like Storify allow you to create interactive and visually powerful blogs in which you can combine text, image and video with external links, tweets, Instagram photographs or Facebook publications, for example.
Debates in class
Choose a topic you want to discuss in class. Select a movie, book, feature or program whose content revolves around or connects with your theme. Prepare material prior to viewing or reading, set guidelines for what the debate will be and ask your students to take notes to go to class prepared for discussion. The work of instruction and preparation is done at home and time in class is used so that all students have their moment to express themselves. They will see all that previous work materialize and you will be able to verify to what extent they have internalized the content.
Photography: Pressfoto – Freepik