BlinkLearning will continue to be the official technological platform for the digital education project of the Extremadura region, Spain’s largest public project of this sort.

After first signing on at the very beginning of the project in 2013, BlinkLearning renews its commitment for four more years as the technological platform of the eScholarium project, which has become Spain’s largest public project for the use of digital books and other resources in the classroom.

The Regional Ministry of Education of Extremadura started the eScholarium Project in 2013 in order to achieve a real and daily use of information technologies in public classrooms. The project expects to reach half a million users by 2020 and is used in more than seven hundred public education institutions. eScholarium offers a gradual implementation, technological reliability and the ability to form and manage the change needed in the educational community while integrating technology in the classroom.

BlinkLearning is, from the beginning of the project, the technological partner guaranteeing access to digital content from more than thirty educational publishers. Upwards of twenty thousand teachers are part of the project and choose the contents used throughout the school year from the digital catalog of the platform.

More than 20,000 teachers choose digital textbooks through the platform created by BlinkLearning for the project.

According to Marielena Marques, BlinkLearning Project Manager for eScholarium:

“Today technological evolution impacts all areas of our daily lives and education is one of them. Internet and the current forms of communication make the way for education to change and adapt. I believe that the future lies in digital education, providing mechanisms for a more interactive learning, aimed at developing analytical, creative and research capabilities”.

Objectives of the eScholarium project

The project objectives are to promote the use of technology, to improve academic achievement and school success, to enable individualized follow-up of student learning and to provide equal opportunities in access to training, among others.

Project achievements

Over the last four years, several achievements have been made, among them the increase in student motivation, the possibility of offering individualized instruction adapted to each student’s learning pace or the early detection in learning difficulties.

To the efforts of the Ministry of Education, we must add the group of companies that run the eScholarium management team which, in addition to BlinkLearning, include Pearson, a publishing company that brings their knowledge in change management and Common MS, which provides consultant support.