Survey conducted by BlinkLearning and the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid)
MADRID, June 27, 2017. The survey’s purpose is to get to know the opinion of teachers from Spain and Latin America regarding the current state of education and the teaching profession in general as well as the use of technology in the classroom in particular.
Conclusions from the 3rd Survey on the use of technology in the classroom
- For the third year in a row, educators largely support the integration of technology in the classroom, but they also note the need for additional ICT training for both teachers and students.
- 81,6% of respondents point out that the correlation between the use of technology and student motivation is high or very high. Creativity, autonomy and connection with their digital day-to-daqy usage are mentioned as the factors that best explain this rapport.
- For 57,9% of the teachers surveyed, achieving higher student motivation is precisely the biggest challenge facing education.
Want to check out last year’s edition?
2nd Survey on ICT use in the classroom
- Reading comprehension, difficulty applying what has been learned in other contexts and ability to learn by oneself, main academic deficits of students.
- 49.5% of respondents consider homework necessary. A 45.7% also points out that the ideal would be to customize homework assignments, but that school life does not allow it.
According to Gonzalo Baranda, BlinkLearning’s CEO:
Educators agree in pointing out in the study that arriving at this point of integration of new technologies in the classroom, the challenge for the new course is to align the tools with the pedagogical objectives under the premise that technology does not replace the educational model , But if it complements it
The teacher’s role in society
Is the role of teachers properly valued in society? When asked, only 3.4% of respondents state that their work is valued in their communities. Despite this, 49.3% say that they love their work and that they feel very motivated. It should be noted, however, that 47% of teachers say they do not feel motivated, despite liking the work they do.
#Realinfluencers, iniciativa que tiene por objetivo reivindicar la importancia de la labor docente. La iniciativa dio un paso más el pasado 24 de mayo con la celebración del I Encuetro #Realinfluencers: enseñar en la era del #Hashtag, que contó con la participación de más de 300 profesores y educadores y las ponencias de:
- Laura Baena (Malasmadres)
- Luz Rello (Change Dyslexia)
- Javier Santaolalla (BigVan y Date un Voltio)
- Salva Carrión y Moisés Llorente (InnoBAR)
- Isabel Ortega (#eduhora)
- Jorge Largo (Maestros Innovadores Alumnos Competentes)
- David Calle (Unicoos)
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